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Sunday, April 14, 2013

First Tooth

For some reason I thought children were 6 or 7 when they started losing teeth. So when I looked at Lucy and saw one of her teeth was bent at an ugly angle, I assumed she had fallen or run into something. As it turns out, I just have a bad memory. Her teacher told me that there were several girls in Lucy's class who had recently lost teeth.

Given how "bendy" Lucy's tooth was, we figured it would come out within 24 hours. But Lucy was unwilling to pull on it and that thing stayed put.

We tried convincing her that with it so loosely attached that there was no way it would hurt if she yanked it out. She was not interested in taking our word for it, and thus it stayed in for at least 4 more days.

It eventually came out. She claims she pulled it out while at school, but my guess is that she was eating snack at school and it came out when she bit into the food.

Then the tooth fairy brought her M&Ms. (Clearly this tooth fairy isn't really interested in Lucy keeping her teeth in tip-top shape) Lucy thinks it's because the tooth fairy knows how much she loves M&Ms. In reality, the M&Ms were the only thing that the local convenience store had to offer - unless Lucy wanted a lighter or scratch off tickets.

Here she is proudly showing her gap:

1 comment:

  1. Wow. There's a milestone to let you know your kid is old.

    Congrats, Lucy! :)
