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Friday, May 11, 2012

Mama's Day

Today Lucy finally got to give me the Mother's Day (or "Mama's Day" as she calls it) present that she has been making in school. Here it is:

I have a few thoughts.

First of all, I love the gift. Mother's Day makes me so happy, and not because I get stuff. I love Mother's Day because it is a time that I reflect on how much I love being a mom and how lucky I feel to have kids. There are times that those two girls absolutely make me want to rip my hair out (see about 50% of my posts on this blog) but I would lay down in traffic for them. I don't mean to get sappy here, but they have changed my perspective and my life and it has only been for the better.

Second, this picture of Lucy makes me laugh every time I look at it. This is her "someone is taking a picture of me and asking me to smile and I'm getting shy all of a sudden so I'm going to slightly close my eyes and try to hide" face.

Finally, Lucy also loved this gift. She is quite vain and wanted to stare at herself all night. She even wanted to set up the picture on the kitchen table so that she and Caroline could admire her face while eating dinner.

So here's to my early celebration of Mama's Day with Lucy Goose. I could not have asked for a better start to my weekend.

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