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Tuesday, December 30, 2014


On December 23rd, we got up and surprised the girls with our Christmas present to them: an overnight trip to a water park. Steve and I talked about what we wanted to give the girls for Christmas, and we decided that we would prefer to give them an experience together rather than stuff. We have gone to this water park before and we knew that the girls would love it.

So, about 45 minutes after we told them about their present, we all piled into the car, drove 3 hours, and arrived ready to run around, swim, and go on some water slides. Once again, I took very few pictures because I wanted to enjoy it.The only pictures I took were right before our dinner came. The girls were wiped. They were spent after hours in the water park, but everyone can rally for milkshakes, right?

Caroline decided to play photographer. I, as it
turns out, was also very tired.

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