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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Face Plant

Man. This morning was tough. It started out okay. I am in the process of grading exams but decided to treat myself to a haircut this morning (something that happens about 3 times a year). I dropped Lucy off without incident. I pulled into Caroline's school's parking lot. I got the bags and I unbuckled Caroline from her car seat. She got out of the seat and went to step down onto the pavement ... when her foot caught on the car and she faceplanted right onto the pavement.

When I say "faceplant" I mean her skull hit the pavement, and I heard it. And it was LOUD.

She cut up her chin and lip, and she had a GIANT welt on her head. It was not a good way to start the day.

As usual, Caroline's teachers were awesome and sent me this picture of my girl smiling in spite of her head wound:
It actually looks much better in this picture
than it did early this morning.

The day ended well, but man, did it have to take a golf ball sized lump on her head to make it happen?

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