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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Our First (very hairy and very stinky) Child

Yesterday Lucy told me, "You and Daddy got married. Then you had me. Then you had Caroline. Then you knew our family was perfect*!" When I told her that she actually has an older sibling, she said, "Hey! Boogie doesn't count!"

*She says this because she asked for me to have another baby once (or ten times) and I told her that our family was just perfect with the four of us. 

Poor Boog. In a lot of circumstances these days, he doesn't get a say. He spends his days on the couch while we are gone at school and work. He asks for very little. He is a good boy. An old cranky man certainly, but a good boy nonetheless.

I think Boog loves spring even more than I do. He loves to be outside in the yard while we work. He can often be found just sitting in the sun on the grass while the girls run like wild animals around him. (They are sure not to run into Boog, as that causes him to be very cranky.)

When the girls rode their bikes yesterday, Boog was in heaven:

Finding another spot on our lawn to kill with his battery acid pee

Watching over his girls

I love you, Mom.

He really is a good boy.

Riding Bikes

Yesterday was gorgeous. It was a bit windy, but it was sunny, not raining, and no snow was on the ground. That is the perfect combination to create a wonderful spring day in my opinion.

Our driveway isn't huge and we live on a pretty busy road, so the girls don't get to bike much when we are at home. We decided to move the cars to the end of the driveway so that the girls had as much room as possible to ride and they were blocked from going out onto the road. Boog and I sat on the driveway and watched. We tried to direct traffic so that there were no head on collisions and we were mildly successful at that.

Lucy has asked us to take the training wheels off today ... stay tuned. This could get interesting.